
Amazing Prison Smuggling Stories

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When you need something to be delivered to you inside prison walls you have to be creative how you will get it in. The people on our list were extremely creative when they were trying to smuggle things in prison. Some of these stories sound hard to believe. Check them out...

1. Smuggling a Husband Out Of Jail in a Suitcase

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In Chetumal, Mexico a woman tried to smuggle her husband out of prison in a suitcase. At the end of the visit he curles up inside the suitcace hoping that it would be his ticket out. The police officers cheched the woman's bag and found Juan Ramirez Tijerina curled up inside. Nice try!

2. 30 Items In the Prisoners Anus

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Neil Lansing, a 34-year-old prisoner tried to smuggle over 30 items in his anus. This was the content they found up his rectum: 17 Oxycodone pills, 1 cigarette, 6 matches, 1 flint, 1 empty syringe with an eraser over the needle part, 1 lip balm container, 1 condom, 1 CVS receipt, and a coupon. What people won't so to get by!

3. An Obese Inmate Smuggling a Gu*n In His Rolls

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An inmate in a Texas prison tried to smuggle a gu*n in his layers of fat. George Vera (500lb) managed to keep his gu*n at the safe place through several searches!

4. Gang Members Hiding Their Cell Phones In Their Behinds

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After a mother of one of the gang members was smart enough to report to the guards that her son couldn't get a good reception in his cell, all gang members were X-rayed after police couldn't find their phones in their cells. The phones were stashed in their backsides.

5. Inmate's family melted dr*ugs drawn into children's coloring book

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Subozone, a dr*ug used to treat heroin addicts is dangerous substance that can be dissolved into a paste. The inmate's family melted the dr*ug and then colored children's books.

6. Pigeons Who Trained Pigeons To Smuggle Dr*ugs

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Imates in Columbia used trained pigeons to smuggle dr*ugs and cell phone parts into jail courtyard. Clever? Yes or No ? Tell us by comments...

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Credit: www.do-while.com

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